Private Pump Stations

Do you need a residential Pump Up Station? You may have you been told your property isn’t suitable for a gravity-fed system? In this case you will need a Residential Pump Up Station.


Do you need a Residential private pump Station?

Have you been told your property isn’t suitable for a gravity-fed system? Perhaps you’ve subdivided your property, and the new house or granny flat is below the sewer line. What can you do?


An Ecoflow Private Pump Station is the answer

Here’s how it works: All your household waste water is sent to the underground tank. At the heart of the station is the E/One grinder pump.  The pump starts automatically when waste water in the tank reaches a certain level and grinds all solids to a non-clogging slurry suitable for small diameter pipes. Wastewater is then pumped to the council pipeline. The pump has high head capability of 55m,  enough to pump the wastewater a few kilometres away if flat. And its robust design means it is extremely reliable and not a “throwaway pump”. Periodic servicing is required and is typically reactive - just call when you need help.
